Tuesday , March 11 2025
Man Horon Kurma Steps Trabzon Region Turkish Folk Dance

Horon Kurma Steps For Man – Trabzon Region

It’s called Horon Kurma for man.. From Trabzon city in Turkey.. A Horon type of Turkish Folk Dance.

Here is the video.. Video’s language is turkish. But you can see steps clearly..

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Sallama Steps Trabzon Region Turkish Folk Dance

Sallama Steps – Trabzon Region

It’s called Sallama.. From Trabzon city in Turkey.. A Horon type of Turkish Folk Dance. …

One comment

  1. To everyone who loves Evan, that’s great. Yes, he’s cute, he’s sweet, he’s lbalove with those sad drowning puppy eyes and he’s popular. However, at the end of the day -THIS IS A DANCE COMPETITION. NOT CUTE, LOVABLE SWEET GUY COMPETITION. If it were, he’d win, hands down. But this is ABOUT the DANCING!!! So while Even is a very good dancer, can you honestly say he is the best of the four? Or second best? Or third or fourth or even fifth? No offense but Ade was AMAZING. And he had a great personality and was much loved and should have been in the top 4. Evan is getting by purely on his sweetness and that is NOT FAIR to all the RIDICULOUSLY TALENTED dancers that are left. If Evan wins, America will be telling all these dancers not to strive to be the best but to just cultivate a different endearing personality and you can win. And that is just not right. I’m sorry to all you Evan-lovers out there who disagree, but can you honestly say he stood his own in any of the dances he was in tonight? Or was he overshadowed a lot. And the solo? Come one? It was nothing he hasn’t done a hundred times! Jeanine on the other hand, HOLY CRAP! SO PLEASE FOR EVERYONE OUT THERE, PLEASE VOTE FOR THE TALENT AND THE DANCING. YES, personality is part of it but please don’t make it the ONLY part. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. VOTE FOR THE ONES WHO REALLY REALLY DESERVES IT FOR THEIR TREMENDOUS TALENT. BECAUSE THEIR PERSONALITIES ARE PRETTY DAMN GOOD TOO.

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